welcome to
The Underworld

Mercenary Bar | Hangout/Gpose | Immersive Roleplay

"There is only one path in Eorzea that everyone eventually takes, one that leads to the Underworld. Sooner or later, one way or the other, you'll find yourself there."

Kujata - Empyreum - Ward 24 - Ingleside Apartment 36


The Underworld is a Mercenary Bar in Final Fantasy XIV.Mercenaries, Sellswords, Pirates and even ordinary citizens of Eorzea are all welcomed to have a drink, sit back, and trade stories about their adventures.Feel free to just find a seat, make friends, buy a stiff drink and just relax.Immersive Roleplay is encouraged. Do set your player search icon to RP to flag yourself for RP whenever.The Underworld encourage Roleplayers to interact, form crews and head out into the world for Gigs, Contracts, and Adventure.Get to know your the resident Fixer. Maybe the next gig will set you on the path to becoming an Eorzean Legend.It all begins, and ends here... in The Underworld.


VIP BoothThe Emet-Selch Booth is reserved for VIPs and Guests of the Owner/Shift Manager of The Underworld. Please refrain from entering without permission from the Owner/Shift Manager. Invitation is at our discretion.

IC/In Character vs OOC/Out of CharacterWhile in the Underworld, /say and /em is reserved for Roleplay in character. You may accent this with quotation marks.
"Like this."
Please limit OOC or Out of Character interactions and use brackets to indicate if necessary.
((Like this))

No YellingWhen roleplaying or chatting, please stick to /em and /say if doing so in public.
The use of /yell within The Underworld is strictly reserved for announcements and shoutouts by The Underworld's staff.

No SPAMMINGRefrain from flooding the chat logs with rapid successions of /say posts, or emote spam. We understand the difference between multiple quick posts and appropriate use of emotes, and being a nuisance.Skill spam is also strictly prohibited. People are trying to have a good time. Do not be a nuisance.

Consent is KINGWhile the nature of Roleplay within the Underworld may go in all sorts of directions, be it dark, mature or even what you may think as humorous, it is prudent to ensure all parties involved consent to being involved.Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Never assume previous consent to be permission to assume present or future consent. If you're not sure, ASK FIRST

Keep Mature Content PrivateRefrain from any excessively obscene, excessively violent, or excessively sexually explicit roleplay publicly. Keep it in /tell or /party chat within The Underworld's premises.

Don't be an AssholeJust because you may roleplay an asshole, doesn't mean you have to actually be an asshole. There may be scenarios where people roleplay conflict between characters, but for the love of Hydaelyn, know the difference between being in character, and actually being a douchebag. Once again, refer to the rule above. Consent is KING. Ask first. Communicate.

Don't fuck with the UnderworldThe owner and the Underworld's staff reserve the rights to enact and enforce the rules of the Underworld at their discretion. We reserve the rights to refuse service, and to insist any patron to leave should we deem their actions to not be compliant with our rules.We will not hesitate to blacklist and report any patrons who act against not just the word, but the spirit of our rules.
Don't fuck with The Underworld.


VIP / RP Service

Work in Progress.Gotta plan how the logistics for this is going to work.
Don't worry, it's not going to take 2 years to fix.